DeSantis Lies About Abortion Record At March For Life

Florida Politics reports:

In front of a national stage at the March for Life rally, Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has framed himself as a champion for the pro-life movement, was inconsistent on his own history regarding abortion legislation.

DeSantis told the crowd he ran for re-election on the Heartbeat Protection Act and was proof that Republicans could get elected after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. “I ran on a pro-life platform on the Heartbeat Protection Act, and I won the largest victory that any Republican has ever won in the history of the state of Florida,” DeSantis said.

However, DeSantis actually campaigned on the state’s 15-week abortion ban, which he signed in April 2022. He was re-elected to his second term in November 2022 but didn’t sign the heartbeat legislation until April 2023, with little fanfare.

Read the full article. Today’s speeches were delivered from behind bulletproof glass. Meanwhile, Trump just gave violent anti-abortion zealots free rein to blockade clinics and probably much worse.