Cops: NH Man Stole “Pedophile” LGBTQ Rights Signs

Boston’s NBC affiliate reports:

A New Hampshire man is under investigation for possible civil rights violations. Frank Hobbs Jr. is accused of swiping someone else’s signs supporting gay rights. New Hampshire authorities say Hobbs was caught on camera stealing signs from a Goffstown intersection. A woman had lawfully placed signs in support of the LGBTQ community, and when one of them disappeared, she decided to do some detective work.

“She set up a trail camera to monitor the intersection and make sure her signs weren’t taken down,” said Senior Assistant New Hampshire Attorney General Sean Locke. According to court documents, Hobbs denied knowing anything about the incident, but when informed there were photos, he said he’d been told by people at Town Hall he could remove signs that displayed “pedophile symbols” and that he found the signs offensive.

Read the full article. Hobbs faces thousands in fines.