Audio Shows Gabbard’s “Guru” Spewing Anti-Gay Slurs

The Daily Beast reports:

Tulsi Gabbard’s spiritual “guru” called gay people “perverts” and spewed homophobic slurs when she was involved in his tiny group, an audio recording obtained by the Daily Beast reveals. The tape shows how Chris Butler—the leader of the Science of Identity Foundation in which Gabbard was brought up—called homosexuality “abnormal,” “unhealthy and unnatural.” He compared it to having “sex with a fire hydrant” in a recording made a few years before Gabbard first ran for state office–which she did on an anti-gay platform.

The group is an offshoot of the Hare Krishna movement, and describes itself as being Hindu. Butler, who has taken the name Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa, and is addressed as “Jagad Guru,” is estimated by some former members to have as many as 10,000 followers. Gabbard, the first Hindu ever elected to Congress, referred to Butler in 2015 as her “guru.” In a 2017 New Yorker profile she said that she had “never heard him say anything hateful, or say anything mean about anybody.”

Read the full article. There’s so much more.

While in the Hawaii legislature, Gabbard – with her hate group leader father’s help – spearheaded a constitutional amendment against the “perversion” of same-sex marriage. Meanwhile her guru makes his followers literally eat his toenails.