ACLU Battles New Jesus-Infused Curriculum In Texas

The Texas Tribune reports:

A coalition of legal organizations on Thursday called on Texas school district leaders to reject the adoption of a recently approved state curriculum heavily infused with references to Christianity and biblical teachings.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Texas, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Center for Inquiry and the Freedom From Religion Foundation sent superintendents and their school boards a letter Thursday telling them that adopting the curriculum, called Bluebonnet Learning, would “unlawfully impose a set of religious beliefs upon your students and violate their constitutionally guaranteed right to be free from religious coercion.”

Critics have also questioned the accuracy of some lessons, saying the materials whitewash America’s history of slavery and racism. Many see the curriculum as part of a growing Christian nationalist movement. Abbott, following the curriculum’s passage, called Bluebonnet “a critical step forward to bring students back to the basics of education and provide the best education in the nation.”

Read the full article.