Tillis Rages After Third US Judge Rescinds Retirement

Law & Crime reports:

A federal judge in North Carolina appointed by former president Barack Obama has rescinded his plans to take “senior status,” making him the third Democratic appointee — and second Obama pick — to unretire on President-elect Donald Trump before he can take office and choose their replacements.

Fourth Circuit Judge James Wynn Jr. announced his decision in a letter to President Joe Biden that was made public Saturday by Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), who called it “a slap in the face to the U.S. Senate” in a statement.

The move comes after Biden’s nominee to replace Wynn, North Carolina Solicitor General Ryan Park, withdrew his name from being considered after it was reported by Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that Park didn’t have enough votes to get confirmed in the Senate.

Read the full article. As I reported earlier this month, Mitch McConnell issued a furious and widely mocked statement when the first two judges rescinded their retirements. Far-right extremist Mike Davis, as you can see below, has filed complaints against those judges.