Staver: Porn Use By Christians “Reaches Crisis Level”

Posted by hate group leader Mat Staver:

Pornography use among Christians, including pastors, has now surpassed the national average for Americans in general and this rise is doing so largely unchecked.

New data suggests a majority of Christian men and a rising percentage of Christian women view pornography occasionally, while a majority of pastors have struggled with porn use at some point in their lives.

According to recently published research from the Barna Group and Pure Desire Ministries, 75 percent of Christian men and 40 percent of Christian women view pornography on some level. That is an 11-point rise for the men and a 25-point rise for the women over the last eight years.

For comparison, Barna notes that 61 percent of adults in the general public use porn, a six-point increase in eight years, where the national average is about 64 percent for men and 44 percent for women.

Pornography use among Christians and in society is at a crisis level. Digital pornography that can be consumed ubiquitously and anonymously is ensnaring millions of people. The danger is that sexual pleasure can become an addiction, idol, or something people use to medicate shame, trauma, or other brokenness.

Pastors and churches should remain steadfast in teaching God’s design for human sexuality and partner with professional outside counselors to confront this rising sin with a sense of urgency and openness.

Read the full article. There’s much more angst.