NC Republicans Override Gov’s Veto, Stripping Power From Incoming Dem Gov And Dem Attorney General

The Raleigh New & Observer reports:

With North Carolina Republicans set to lose their veto-proof supermajority come 2025, state lawmakers took their final vote Wednesday on a bill that takes away power from incoming Democrats in the executive branch, overturning a veto with a party-line 72-46 vote. Protesters shouted from the gallery overlooking the state House chamber after the vote.

With the House vote, the bill now becomes law. Among other things, the bill takes the power to appoint members of the State Board of Elections from the governor and gives it to the state auditor. Democratic Attorney General Josh Stein is the governor-elect, and the next auditor will be Republican Dave Boliek.

The bill also requires the next attorney general, Democrat Jeff Jackson, to represent the will of the General Assembly, which will still be controlled by Republicans. It was written in secret and fast-tracked, with no committee hearings and with the House starting its debate on the bill less than an hour after it was made public.

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