Trump Files FEC Complaint Against Washington Post Over Its Stories About Cultists Leaving His Rallies Early

The New York Post reports:

The Donald Trump campaign filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission on Thursday, alleging that the Washington Post has made illegal in-kind contributions to Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign through its fawning coverage.

According to the six-page complaint, the Washington Post made the in-kind contributions through an alleged “coordinated communications” strategy that benefits the Harris campaign, relying on a Semafor report that showed the paper was paying to boost critical Trump content and “neutral” Harris articles.

“To wit, one of the promoted articles highlighted how the Harris digital team was pushing content on social media claiming people were leaving President Trump’s rallies early,” the complaint states.

Read the full article. There are countless videos showing cultists pouring out of Trump’s rallies as he drones on and on and on. And of course, many outlets pay to promote their stories on social media. Harris should file a complaint against Fox News for their “in-kind contributions.”