Kennedy: Feds Intentionally Caused COVID Pandemic

Mediaite reports:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. voiced his support for conspiracy theories claiming the government intentionally caused the Covid-19 pandemic in video clips unearthed by The Bulwark. These newly unearthed video clips are far from Kennedy’s first foray into conspiratorial waters.

He has blamed antidepressants for mass shootings, pushed conspiratorial nonsense about chemtrails, and claimed that Covid-19 could have been “ethnically targeted” to “attack Caucasians and Black people” and spare people of Chinese and Ashkenazi Jewish descent.

He’s questioned whether HIV causes AIDS, accusing scientists of suppressing the truth so they could profit from AZT, the first drug approved by the FDA to treat AIDS. In a June 2023 appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast, Kennedy claimed that WiFi “does all kinds of bad things, including causing cancer” and “leaky brain.”

Read the full article. Videos are at the link below.