“The New York Times is one of the most dishonest of all. I watched this, New York Times, and it’s a classic. Wait until you see what I’m going to do with them, you’re going to have so much fun.
“In 3, 4, 5 days, this is the most dishonest newspaper. They are disgusting. But the radical left, I mean, the radical left, the way they protect — now you could say, ‘Wow. That’s pretty good the way they do it.’
“But it’s, it’s so dishonest. It’s — you know, we don’t have a free press. We have a very, very corrupt and, you know, hence the name fake news.
“The problem with fake news is it’s not strong enough. I get great credit for a wonderful name at the time, but it’s worse than fake. It’s corrupt. The press is corrupt. It’s really bad in this country. It’s really bad.” – Trump, calling in to Ben Shapiro’s podcast.