Tom Cotton: Russian Payola Scandal Is No Big Deal

The Daily Beast reports:

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AK) doesn’t seem to care that the Department of Justice revealed a Russian plot to once again influence a presidential election. To him, they’re just “a few memes or videos.” His comments came days after the DOJ announced Russia Today employees paid $10 million to a U.S.-based media company that hosts various right-wing media figures including Tim Pool and Dave Rubin.

Bash noted to Cotton how “some people only get their information from those memes and videos,” but he tried to explain what a true Russian threat was. “What really would be catastrophic is if a foreign government, say, hacked into the voter registration system during voting, or hacked into election machines and erased votes, or turned off the electricity in a big city on Election Day,” he said.

Read the full article. Imagine Cotton’s spittle-flecked outrage had it been prominent liberals being secretly paid by a foreign government.