Newsmax Host Compares Robinson To The Soup Nazi: “The Whole Country Thought That Was Funny” [VIDEO]

“I don’t trust CNN and nobody should do. They did a big story. They went snooping around his — they found an email address and they think they tracked it to a porn site where he may or may not have been active a dozen years ago when he was a private citizen and a forklift operator.

“OK? A forklift operator — you’re allowed to do that when you come home from work. All right? You’re allowed to do whatever you want in America.

“And this whole thing, I’m not buying that he is a Nazi sympathizer. That stuff — Nazi — the Holo — it’s awful, it’s awful, it’s awful, it’s awful. Yes, but the Nazi word has kind of entered our lexicon, right? If you look it up. Yeah.

“You got the horrible German party, but you also have this, a person who is fanatically dedicated or seeks to regulate a specified activity or practice. Anybody remember Seinfeld? Anybody remember the soup Nazi? The whole country thought this was funny.

“One thing no one has alleged — he doesn’t like anything with kids. And that’s the important part, don’t you think? There’s nothing illegal going on here.

“And I don’t buy CNN. And neither should anybody at this point. We’re just going off of these people? CNN?” – Newsmax host Greg Kelly.