Homocon Group Offers $1M To Host Gaza Pride Parade

Fox News reports:

A watchdog group that aims to expose hypocrisy announced Monday that it would donate $1 million to “Queers for Palestine” or any U.S. LGBTQ advocacy organization to host a gay pride parade in Gaza or the West Bank.

New Tolerance Campaign (NTC) President Gregory T. Angelo, who is gay and the former president of Log Cabin Republicans, said the campaign is a “wake-up call” to anyone who identifies as part of the “Queers for Palestine” or “Gays for Gaza” movements.

“I don’t want people to just shrug off this campaign as some kind of publicity stunt or something that is supposed to be comical. It actually is a legitimate offer,” Angelo told Fox News Digital.

Read the full article. Angelo appeared here last month when his group launched a “hate map” showing supposed instances of “intolerance by the left.” During his time running the Quislings, Angelo regularly declared Trump to be the best president ever on LGBTQ rights and “far better” than Obama.