Felon Shrugs Off Inciting Bomb Threats To OH Schools

REPORTER: The mayor of Springfield, Ohio, the police chief, the Republican governor of Ohio, have all debunked this story about people eating pets. And now there are bomb threats at schools and kids being evacuated. Why do you still spread this false story?

TRUMP: No, no. No. The real threat is what’s happening at our border. Because you have thousands of people being killed by illegal migrants coming in and also dying. You have women dying as they come up. They’re coming up in large groups. We call it a caravan. I think I came up with that name, but it’s really what it is. 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 people. And you have large numbers of women being killed in those caravans coming up to this country and then when they get here, they can go into the country, and they end up being sex slaves and everything else. Those are your real problems, not the problem that you’re talking about.