Christian Nationalist Show Host Prays With Trump For “Divine Protection” Against Trump Getting Shot Again

“Holy Father, we pray for President Trump. Pray for divine protection. We pray for the spirit of wisdom to come upon him as he navigates these last eight weeks leading into election.

“Father, not only do we pray for protection and wisdom, we pray for favor and that’ll motivate the American people to get out and vote in mass like they’ve never voted before.

“In Jesus’ name, amen. Thank you, sir.” – Gene Bailey, host of the Christian nationalist show Flashpoint, which promises “prophetic” news, after Trump tells him that God saved him from a would-be assassin’s bullet.

After the prayer, Trump looks into the camera and says, “He’s a terrific guy. This is a really great one. I don’t say that about many, but stay with him. Stay with him. He’s a fantastic man.”