Trump Brandishes Novelty-Size TicTacs As “Inflation”

“The groceries, just to put it in simple terms, people go to the grocery store, and they have less than half a deal. In fact, I had something here. I did have something. I would show you. Wait a minute. I don’t know if you’ve seen this. Look at this. Look at this.

“So this is TicTacs, right? I don’t know if I like the company. I’ve never met. I have no idea. They’re so lucky. This is the greatest commercial they ever had. But that’s what happened. This is inflation. This is TicTac. This is inflation. This is what’s happened.

“I just happened to have somebody give me this one today. I said, I think we’ll put it up as an example of inflation.” – Trump, brandishing a novelty size box of TicTacs as a false example of inflation.