Megyn Kelly: Trump’s “Boring Rambling Is Age-Related”

“When he has what appear to be senior moments, I will call him out on it and he doesn’t like that, and I can’t say that I blame him, but that’s my job.

“I will say that in that discussion with Elon, to me he seemed quite rambling. I mean it was like he rambles, he goes on too long — at his rallies and in these exchanges and at his presser the other day — to where you get kind of bored, you lose the thread, you lose interest, which is not something you’re used to with Trump.

“Trump in 2016, he was tough to lose interest in, and I think that’s probably an age-related change. So I think this is one of the challenges of the people around him, who are I’m sure desperately trying to get him to stick on message.” – Megyn Kelly, on her podcast.