Florida Politics reports:
Gov. Ron DeSantis is again sounding the alarm about what he sees as potential consequences of a constitutional amendment that could legalize marijuana in Florida, misrepresenting it along the way.
“I mean the amendment language says that there can be no penalties for use or possession, civil criminal, anything. I think it’s going to be very difficult for businesses to operate without that infringing on them,” DeSantis said Wednesday in Tampa, where he signed the state budget.
“I think you’re going to see people, you will be able to bring 20 joints to an elementary school. Is that really going to be good for the state of Florida? I don’t think so.”
Read the full article.
,@GovRonDeSantis warns marijuana amendment could lead to people bringing ‘joints to an elementary school’
Reporting by @AGGancarskihttps://t.co/eHIrC3y4ay#FlaPol
— Florida Politics (@Fla_Pol) June 12, 2024