The Independent reports:
Marjorie Taylor Greene was not the only one of Fauci’s critics who caused a stir during Monday’s proceedings. A January 6 rioter, who served one of the toughest prison sentences yet for the insurrection, was seen sitting behind the medical expert pulling faces.
CNN host Kaitlan Collins also claimed that the man yelled out in agreement when Greene said that Fauci belonged in prison.
The rioter was revealed to be Brandon Fellows, who was recently released from prison on May 20 after serving three years on both felony and misdemeanor charges. Fellows was convicted of entering the Capitol and smoking cannabis in Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley’s office.
The Meidas Touch reports:
J6 defendant Brandon Fellows had to be removed from the House Committee hearing today where Dr. Anthony Fauci was called to testify. A number of J6ers were in attendance at the hearing, including Michael Flynn associate Ivan Raiklin who sat right behind Fauci with Fellows so they could mug for the cameras while attempting to mock him.
Raiklin waited for Fauci to arrive this morning, and followed him down the hallway yelling conspiracies at him while accusing him of mass murder. As Fauci was describing the credible death threats against himself and his family, he choked up when mentioning his daughters, while Raiklin and Fellows made faces behind him.
Fellows has appeared here several times for his bizarre stunts. Fellows, who has claimed to be autistic, is on record as praising his prison as “awesome and very fun.”
The asshole that was making faces behind Dr. Fauci today is Brandon Fellows, a January 6 rioter that was released from prison on May 20 after serving three years on both felony and misdemeanor charges.
— Molly Ploofkins™ (@Mollyploofkins) June 3, 2024
J6 defendant Brandon Fellows, who was recently released from prison and is still on probation, was removed from the House hearing today after he mocked Dr. Fauci while he described death threats against his daughter. Story.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) June 3, 2024
Folks, unless I’m missing it, the asshole behind Fauci (the one who is not asshole Ivan Raiklin) is Brandon Fellows, just off his Jan6 prison term 5/20.
I once called him, “a big-Trump narcissist stuck in a little-Trump life.”
— emptywheel (synonym: perusal) (@emptywheel) June 3, 2024
In his own memo, Brandon Fellows wrote that Trump supporters “had and have a right to overthrow the government once Pence certified the stolen election.”
— Ryan J. Reilly (@ryanjreilly) February 1, 2024