Christian Site: God Crashed Iran President’s Helicopter

From the evangelical outlet Charisma News:

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s death serves as a much-needed reminder that no man, regardless of how powerful, threatening or fearful he sounds, has the ability to override the plans and purposes of God, Almighty who established Israel and has sustained her throughout 2,000 years of dispersion to the four corners of the earth, returning her back to the land which He promised them!

History has shown us that when individuals rise up, with the express goal of eliminating the Jews, it is those very people who end up in the dustbin of the ages, confirming that there is only one Sovereign Master whose authority is unrivaled and unparalleled. To attempt the usurping of that place is to ensure one’s own swift end.

No one and nothing can override or revoke God’s promise to guard and protect Israel from those who would destroy her, because it’s important to remember that “He who touches Israel, touches the apple of His eye” (Zech. 2:8).

Read the full article.