Hate Group: Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin “Sabotaged His Future” With Law That Codifies Same-Sex Marriage

Posted to Family Research Council’s website:

If Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) had his eyes on higher office, his decision Friday almost certainly put those dreams out of reach. To the shock of voters across the Commonwealth, Youngkin, who campaigned as a born-again Christian and spent many a Sunday in sanctuaries like Cornerstone Chapel’s, committed the ultimate betrayal — signing a same-sex marriage bill that was not only completely unnecessary but a stinging rebuke of conservative values.

The move, announced in a Friday afternoon news dump to avoid attention, was called “symbolic” by even LGBT activists, since the Supreme Court’s Obergefell ruling and Congress’s Respect for Marriage Act already grant the “rights” supposedly reaffirmed here. Youngkin’s decision was even more astounding considering that he’d already panned the need for such legislation two years ago. “In Virginia, we actually do protect marriage,” he told “Face the Nation” viewers in 2022. “That’s the law in Virginia, and therefore, as governor of Virginia, we protect same-sex marriage.”

His office pathetically tried to explain away the move as a defense of religious freedom. “The bill adds First Amendment protections to the code of Virginia,” Youngkin spokesman Christian Martinez claimed — apparently forgetting that the First Amendment already applies to the state.

The wailing continues for another 1000 words.