From the Family Research Council’s website:
Over the weekend, a well-chronicled historical fact became a subject of discontent and dispute for the armchair philosophers and amateur pundits of social media — many of them self-professed conservatives and even Christians.
According to these self-appointed arbiters of theological, historical, and social truth, the admission “Christ is King” is clearly a hateful, anti-Semitic slur.
The chief argument against “Christ is King” is that the proclamation of the fact is offensive to those of the Jewish faith, and thus anti-Semitic, a slur against a race of persons. Christians have a responsibility, a solemn commission, to proclaim that Christ is King.
It is not anti-Semitic, it is not a slur, it is not a “dialectical trap,” as some have called it. It is a crucial tenet of the Christian faith. Our King commanded us not to shirk and shrink from name-calling, but to “make disciples of all nations.”
Let us not cower before the self-negating arguments of pantheism nor allow any smear to keep us from courageously proclaiming that truth in which both Heaven and earth rejoice: Christ is King.
Read the full article. It goes on for a million words. As Right Wing Watch notes below, the “Christ is king” slogan became viral on X in large part due to its usage by avowed Hitler fan Nick Fuentes and his army of antisemitic groypers.
Christ is King and every knee shall bow.
— Family Research Council (@FRCdc) March 26, 2024
Contrary to the dust-up on social media over the weekend, “saying ‘Christ is King’ is not anti-Semitic, it is not a slur, and it is not a ‘dialectical trap,’ as some have called it. It is a crucial tenet of the Christian faith.” @WSHStand
— Family Research Council (@FRCdc) March 26, 2024
Nope. Shan’t.
— JoeMyGod (@JoeMyGod) March 26, 2024
Except that when white nationalists like Nick Fuentes, his followers, and their allies use the phrase “Christ Is King,” they do so *precisely* because they intend it to be antisemitic. You do realize that, right?
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) March 26, 2024
The Daily Wire is Israеl first, and they try to obfuscаtе that fаct. They do not bеlieve Christ is King. – Nick Fuentes
— socksgrypr (@scksgrypr) March 27, 2024