Daily Wire “Ends Relationship” With Candace Owens

Glenn Beck’s Daily Caller reports:

The Daily Wire co-founder Jeremy Boreing announced Friday that the outlet has severed ties with Candace Owens. Owens hosted a show on The Daily Wire after becoming a prominent name in the conservative movement.

The outlet abruptly made the announcement of her departure for reasons currently unknown. “Daily Wire and Candace Owens have ended their relationship,” Boreing announced without an explanation.

Mediaite reports:

She kicked off her career in journalism as a liberal running a website that speculated about the size of Donald Trump’s genitals. Owens herself pined for the death of the “Republican Tea Party.” But after Trump’s ascension to the presidency, she quickly restyled herself as a right-wing culture warrior and was rewarded with regular appearances on Infowars.

More recently, Owens has waded into wild conspiracy theorizing and outright anti-Semitism, lashing out against “political Jews” and even, as Mediaite reported on Monday morning, endorsing the blood libel that Jews murder Christians in order to drink their blood during religious ceremonies.

Cultists are pouring into the replies of Boreing’s tweet to blame Jews for the move.