Voldemort: Florida Defamation Law Would “Crush Us”

“We all want to go after the big corporate media, but you have to write laws to actually go after the enemy. Big broad neutral laws will be used to crush us. It will be used to obliterate us.

“Look at what New York did when they went after Donald Trump. They changed the law, which is unconstitutional by the way, to go after one man. To go after one man.

“If you just have a law change in Florida that says it’s way easier to punish people for defamation, end of law, what the hell do you think is gonna happen?

“Every left-wing trial lawyer in the country is going to move to Florida and sue the hell out of every conservative influencer, podcaster, and everybody else.

“Write the laws so it protects your friends and harms the bad guys, otherwise, you’re handing them a sword to run right through you.” – Stephen Miller, in a CPAC message echoing fears from Christian broadcasters, Newsmax, and other cultist outlets.