Texas: No Free School Lunches For Impoverished Kids

Houston’s ABC affiliate reports:

For some children in the U.S., school lunchtime might be the only meal they eat all day. To help combat this issue, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is offering its first-ever free summer school lunch program for participants across the country.

This year, 35 states are joining the Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer program – but Texas is not one of them. According to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, the state would not have enough time to organize the program before summertime begins.

Now, the USDA says approximately 3.8 million children in Texas will miss out on the chance for $120 worth of food, per person, from grocery stores, farmers markets and other locations.

Read the full article.

Multiple other red states have refused to accept federal grants meant to feed those lazy unemployed children.