“Ring Of Steel” For Courthouse During Trump’s J6 Trial

The Washington Post reports:

U.S. officials are debating how thick of a security blanket they will wrap around the federal courthouse in downtown Washington for former president Donald Trump’s trial — a practical and symbolic measure of the case’s importance that must balance safety with the ongoing functions of a city and a public courthouse.

Proposed changes for what could be the first criminal trial of a former American president include ringing all or part of the E. Barrett Prettyman federal courthouse as early as February with metal fencing, closing or controlling sidewalk access for several blocks, and temporarily closing neighboring streets in the heart of the city.

The preparations come amid rising threats to public officials, including judges and prosecutors in Trump’s cases, and the prediction from the leading candidate for the Republican presidential nomination of “bedlam in the country” if his criminal cases damage his candidacy this year.

Read the full article.