Phillips Floats “Bipartisan Unity Ticket” With Haley

“Wouldn’t all your listeners be maybe more compelled by Nikki Haley and Dean Phillips getting together on a unity ticket, and actually doing for the first time perhaps in our country’s history what most Americans actually want, which is cooperation, collaboration, participation, decency, common sense leadership.

“There’s no way Nikki Haley will become the nominee in the GOP, and the fact of the matter is right now the Democratic Party doesn’t want competition and seems to want to coronate Joe Biden.

“I think it is a conversation that Ambassador Haley and I should have if that is what this comes down to, in the event of a Donald Trump victory this November which is almost certain if Joe Biden is the nominee, I think any American who opposes that should celebrate, encourage, and inspire the alternative that can actually win and lead our country in the way we want.

“I think anybody, including myself, should keep open minds and hearts about that. I hope Nikki Haley does and I think America could be very well served by some type of bipartisan ticket that restores faith in government and most importantly demonstrates to the world that America can work together and restore its extraordinary brand around the world. That’s my aspiration, one way or another.” – Rep. Dean Phillips, speaking yesterday on a radio show.