Gaetz Boasts To CPAC: “I Made Congress A Living Hell”

“In Congress, I’m often excoriated, smeared, derided for exposing a corrupt system that has been weaponized against we the people. I’ve made it a living hell for the swamp rats and many of them are retiring now.

“In fact, CNN just ran an article blaming me for their departures. You’re welcome! Truth is we can’t save the nation with the current Republican team. We have to get tougher, smarter, and we need newer, bolder voices in the United States Congress.

“So if you’re out there campaigning and running as a Paul Ryan or Kevin McCarthy Republican, my message to you is this: They don’t work here anymore.” – Rep. Matt Gaetz, today at CPAC.

In the final clip below, Gaetz gets a standing ovation for calling for completely defunding the United Nations and for ejecting their world headquarters from New York City.