Media Matters has the transcript:
BECK: I don’t know what happens to our country if they do that [imprison Trump]. I mean, you — at least half of the country will feel this is a total set up. This is a banana republic. That this is not what we do in America. And they will feel as though they have had their right to vote for the person that they wanted taken away. I know I’d feel that way. And what do people do? I don’t know. We’ve never been in this situation before. But it’s grotesque.
BOLLING: Which — Glenn, which you make a great point. We’ve never been in this situation before. So there are those — and I’m on board with this theory that even if he is behind bars, he will be elected President of the United States, and then he can pardon himself. And then they’ll complain, and they’ll say it’s just BS and it’s wrong, and it will end up at the Supreme Court and, fortunately, this is why elections matter. The Supreme Court should do the right thing. Go ahead.
BECK: And I will tell you, we don’t have — if they put him behind bars, we don’t have a republic anymore. We just don’t. We’ve crossed the Rubicon. And I don’t know what happens.
Read the full transcript.