Christian Site: Fox Exposed Its Viewers To Demons

The Christian Post reports:

A former psychic who repented of occult practices after turning to Jesus Christ warned that Fox News potentially opened their viewers to demonic activity by airing an act of divination during primetime last week.

“The deception of putting something that seems good out there while pushing a demonic agenda is heartbreaking,” Jenn Nizza told The Christian Post. Nizza also maintained that the light-hearted tone of Jesse Watters’ segment implied that such practices need not be taken seriously, which she warned is also potentially dangerous.

“That’s another deception of the evil one,” she said. “There’s nothing funny about it. God condemns it. If Satan can get you to think that it’s nothing, or it’s fun and entertaining, then he gets you involved.”

Read the full article. Last week the far-right Christian site Charisma News published a similar warning.