Anti-LGBTQ Republican 7-Term Rep. Jeff Duncan Will Retire In Order To Spend More Time With His Adultery

Via press release from GOP Rep. Jeff Duncan:

After 9/11, I felt a calling to serve my State or Nation in some capacity. Serving in both the South Carolina State Legislature and the United States House of Representatives has been the culmination of that calling.

I am blessed to have worked with amazing men and women in Congress. None have been more impressive than my DC and District staff, serving the constituents of the Palmetto State with efficiency and dedication.

I am proud of my conservative voting record and the opportunities over these 14 years to lead the State and Nation on many issues important to South Carolina and the United States, especially in fiscal responsibility and American energy.

At some point in a career, one needs to step aside and allow others to bring fresh ideas and abilities into the fight for Liberty, just as I have.

Representing the 3rd District of South Carolina in this capacity has been a privilege and honor. Now, it is time for another man or woman to serve our District in the next Congress. I will not seek re-election to the US House of Representatives.

Read the full press release. Now serving his seventh term, Duncan last appeared here when he demanded privacy after being exposed for cheating on his wife. That demand came shortly after he filed his “Old Glory Act” which would ban US embassies from displaying the Pride flag.

Duncan appeared here in January 2023 when the House approved his bill to ban vaccine mandates at Medicare and Medicaid-certified health facilities.

In 2015, Duncan co-sponsored a bill that sought to place a ban on same-sex marriage in the US Constitution.

In 2018, Duncan co-sponsored a bill allowing adoption agencies to ban same-sex parents. Duncan has a 0% rating on LGBTQ issues from the Human Rights campaign.