Trump Suggests He Could Indict Obama For “Murder”

Mediaite reports:

Former President Donald Trump went on a posting bender Saturday that included a threat to indict former President Barack Obama for “murder” — in a case that theoretically would implicate Trump as well.

He reposted a message from conservative pro-Trump attorney Mike Davis, who suggested the ruling against Trump’s presidential immunity defense could allow Trump to indict Obama in the future.

Davis is referring to the drone strike that killed the 16-year-old son of American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen. But under Davis’s theory, Trump would seemingly face a similar risk. Eight days into Trump’s first term, al-Awlaki’s 8-year-old daughter was killed in a U.S. raid.

Read the full article. Davis, who some expect would be Trump’s choice for attorney general, appeared here last month when he vowed to throw MNSBC host Medhi Hasan and gay journalist Tim Miller into a women’s prison.