From Hair Furor’s latest raging video:
Teach them how to caucus. Take them in your car on caucus night. If you have to do whatever is necessary, we’ve got to get them in.
We got to make America great again. So do whatever it takes. If you do, we will win and win big. And that’s what you have to do.
You know, the other side does cheat! And we’re not going to let that happen. We cannot let that happen.
But that’s what we need from you. Get in your car, get a lot of people and get down and caucus.
Give a great speech for me. I hope you will. And I know you will have such confidence in you as you had in me. And you have in me.
Trump, you will recall, accused Ted Cruz of having stolen the 2016 Iowa caucus.
Trump says his opponents in the upcoming Iowa caucus are going to try and cheat.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) December 27, 2023