GOP Rep. Kat Cammack Vows Revenge For Santos’s Expulsion: “It’s Been A Heartbreaking Day On The Hill”

“If we have a Democrat that is put forward without a conviction, we need to step forward and have a consistent voting record here. I think that’s critically important because Americans are sick and tired of the double standard.

“I felt that it was inappropriate to deny those constituents in his congressional district their right to representation. Elections have consequences, but they have a right to have their voice heard in the people’s house. This has now become a bigger situation here in in the House, where now our majority is down to two.

“And every vote certainly counts, but for me, this was not a political vote. As I said, from a Constitutional perspective, denying representation in the people’s House, it is a very, very serious deal.

“With the 10th Amendment, states rights, the states have the ability to determine the time, manner, and place in which elections are conducted, they have determined that they were sending this representative.

“We certified New York’s election. We need to make sure that we’re honoring those constituents’ voice. So it has not been an easy vote. It has been many, many conversations this week, very contentious. It’s a heartbreaking day on the Hill.” – GOP Rep. Kat Cammack.