Trump Repeatedly Calls Christie “A Fat Pig” [VIDEO]

“What’s it all about? Is he just doing it because I didn’t give him a job in the administration? What’s he doing and why would I do a debate when Christie – sir, I’m sorry – he is not a fat pig. Okay. This man. He is not a fat pig. No, it’s true. And you can’t you can’t use the term fat. You’re allowed to use the word pig, but not fat. No, the man just said he’s a fat pig. And I said, ‘No, he’s not a fat pig!’ So now the press can’t kill me because all I’m doing is responding. I’m responding. He is not a pig!” – Hair Furor, pretending to have heard someone in the audience at yesterday’s event for Florida Republicans. Give the videos below a moment to fully load for a recap his other batshittery last night.