NC Gov To Challenge Gerrymandered US House Map

The Washington Post reports:

Democrats seeking to erase Republicans’ narrow majority in the House next year have scored win after win from redistricting. In Alabama, judges threw out the congressional map drawn by the Republican legislature in a case that reached the Supreme Court that will almost certainly give Democrats an extra seat.

In Georgia, a federal court said the state must draw another Black-majority congressional district. And in Louisiana, where a redistricting case is stalled, it’s possible Democrats could gain another seat should the courts direct the state legislature to draw a new district that would increase the share of Black voters.

But those gains could be offset in North Carolina, where Democrats are poised to lose as many as four House seats. “Oh yes, those maps will be challenged,” North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat, said in an interview. “This is gerrymandering on steroids.”

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