Knowles: Civil War May Result If Trump Kept Off Ballot

“A judge, a Democrat judge in Colorado, has just green-lit a campaign to keep Trump off the ballot in Colorado. This judge, Sarah Wallace, was appointed by the Democrat governor, Jared Polis, and she has denied a motion by Trump and the Colorado GOP to throw out a lawsuit seeking to block Trump from appearing on the ballot in Colorado.

“And why are they gonna block Trump from appearing on the ballot? Because he’s an evil rapist, insurrectionist, Ukraine colluding, Russia colluding, mean old orange man who we really hate and in invisible ink in the Constitution that says that mean orange men can’t be on the ballot. I think that’s pretty much the substance of the lawsuit. 

“We are dangerously close to not having much of anything in common as a country. We are dangerously close to the conditions that we were at in 1860. And I’m not one of these catastrophists who says that we’re always going to be on the brink of civil war, and we’re all gonna – I’m certainly not encouraging civil war by any means. But it could happen.” – Daily Wire host Michael Knowles.