Judge Frees All Trump Campaign Staffers From NDAs

Protect Democracy reports:

On October 11, 2023, a judge issued a sweeping victory for former Trump campaign staffer Jessica Denson, signing off on a class-action settlement that will permanently free all 2016 Trump Campaign workers from the Campaign’s illegal NDA.

Denson first sued to invalidate the NDA in 2018 as a pro se litigant, won an initial decision in March 2021 invalidating the NDA for herself, and today, some five years later, a federal judge ruled that her victory extends to all who signed the overly broad and illegal NDA.

The decision goes well beyond the Campaign’s concessions in the case, ensuring the permanent class-wide invalidation of the NDA enjoys the force of law.

“We just achieved a massive victory for free speech, in the face of a wannabe authoritarian who threatens American democracy to this day,” said Jessica Denson.

“From what began as one woman’s fight, the excuses for silence have been lifted, and this illegal barrier between truth and the American people is forever removed. Democracy dies in fear and silence, but only if we let it. We refused, and we won.”

All former campaign staffers, independent contractors, and volunteers are now free to speak their minds about Donald Trump and his campaign without fear of lawsuit or legal threats. Denson was represented by Protect Democracy, Bowles & Johnson PLLC, and Ballard Spahr LLP.

Read the full press release.