GOP Rep Rages That It’s A “Ridiculous Question” To Ask Speaker Mike Johnson If Biden Was Legitimately Elected

Mediaite has the transcript:

Dana Bash: Speaker Johnson was a key player in trying to push a court case, which the Supreme Court ultimately did not accept, to overturn the 2020 election. He just took an oath as Speaker of the House. He is now second in line to the presidency. Do you believe that he should publicly say that [President] Joe Biden is the legitimate president?

Boob Good: I think that’s a ridiculous question. As you know, Democrats have spent the better part of two decades contesting elections, objecting to electoral votes for more than 20 years. You’ve got a former gubernatorial candidate in Georgia who has never acknowledged that she was the right, that she truly lost the election. Hillary Clinton said the election was stolen from her–

Bash: It’s not ridiculous because what we see is that–

Good: It’s a ridiculous question. Half the country didn’t have confidence in the 2020 election.

Bash: That’s not the question. The question is whether or not Joe Biden is the legitimate president. That’s the question.

Good: Well, Joe Biden is the president and the American people, I think, are going to vote him out of office because he’s been a massive failure and they’re suffering under the policies that he’s perpetrated upon the American people. You can’t point to one policy that’s working for Americans since he got elected. You want to keep litigating the election from 2020?

Bash: I definitely do not.

Read the full article. Bob Good, who won election by attacking his GOP predecessor for officiating a staffer’s same-sex marriage, is a former Liberty University official.