Florida Politics reports:
Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to claim he would carry out mass deportations if elected President, contending his “big program” would hearken back to a President seven decades ago. “If you let people come illegally without a sanction, you’re going to continue to have this problem. The sanction is you get deported. So we’re going to do it,” DeSantis said on The Blaze.
The Governor pledged a policy of last in, first out, saying his administration would “start with the more recent arrivals and work our way back,” though offering no indication how far back he would go.
“But it’s going to be a big program similar to what (Dwight) Eisenhower did in the 1950s,” DeSantis said, presumably referring to Operation Wetback, a first-term program that saw anywhere from 300,000 to 1.3 million people deported.
Read the full article. Yes, that’s really what Eisenhower and the media called it at the time, even though DeSantis did not use the phrase.
‘I’m really the only candidate that you can trust to do it.’
Back to the future? @RonDeSantis vows to revive Dwight Eisenhower’s ‘Operation Wetback’ immigration crackdown.
Reporting by @AGGancarskihttps://t.co/alYPxB6ouk#FlaPol pic.twitter.com/jIOvWxsvlq
— Phil Ammann (@PhilAmmann) October 12, 2023
Desantis Pledges to Revive Eisenhower’s ‘Operation Wetback’ to mass deport migrants.
Story …. https://t.co/ICPq5ouEJV
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) October 12, 2023