Colorado Sec Of State Backs Ballot Suit Against Trump

“Trump is a liar with no respect for the Constitution. To say that a section of the 14th Amendment is election interference and considering how to uphold the Constitution is election interference is un-American.  We know that the former president is a liar who will do everything he can to hold onto power.

“Section 3 of the 14th Amendment clearly lays out in very clear terms that if someone swears to uphold the Constitution, they are disqualified from holding office if they go and engage in insurrection, rebellion, or aid or comfort to the enemies of the Constitution.

“And Donald Trump incited an insurrection, and there are big constitutional questions around that provision as to whether he is disqualified from the Colorado ballot. So, we’ll see this litigation through, and ultimately I think it’s important for a court to weigh in to provide guidance.” – Colorado Sec. of State Jena Griswold.