Sheriff: Ronny Jackson Threatened To Beat Up Trooper

The Texas Tribune reports:

U.S. Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Amarillo, threatened to beat up a state trooper and take down the Carson County sheriff in the next election after deputies detained the congressmen at a rodeo outside of Amarillo in July, according to a sheriff’s incident report released Friday night.

The report said that Jackson screamed profanities at deputies who were trying to clear the area for emergency medical workers to attend to a teenager who was having a seizure. Deputies asked the former White House physician to step back four times before they put Jackson in handcuffs, according to their reports.

After the congressman was released, he demanded Carson County Sheriff Tam Terry call him and investigate the incident. During that call, Terry, a Republican, said that Jackson warned him that he would “bury me in the next election.”

Read the full article. No paywall. Last month Jackson, a physician and former Trump chief medical advisor, appeared on Sean Hannity’s show to diagnose President Biden with “degenerative cognitive decline.”