Shapiro: Trump Is “Laundering” Campaign Donations

“Now, you may think that the election of 2024 is about, you know, getting rid of Joe Biden. But according to Matt Schlapp, and I assume according to much of team Trump, what it’s really about is you funding Donald Trump’s legal bills.

“My interest as an American citizen is primarily in Joe Biden not being President of the United States running the DOJ via Merrick Garland. If I have to prioritize, is it Donald Trump’s legal cases, or is it beating Joe Biden?

“If it’s Donald Trump’s legal cases, that’s fine. The dude’s got a legal fund. He’s not asked anybody to donate to his legal fund. Instead, he’s sort of laundering the money from his campaign into his legal funds.

“You give money to his campaign and then he uses it for his legal costs. Is that why you’re donating, is because you care that much about his legal fund? Fine. He should open up a legal fund and you can give to it.

“Or do you care about beating Joe Biden? Donald Trump could theoretically win all of his legal cases and still not beat Joe Biden.” – Ben Shapiro, saying what the rest of the world has been saying all year.