Report: MAGA House Candidate Plagiarized Thesis

The Daily Beast reports:

Right-wing Florida Republican congressional candidate Anthony Sabatini is not afraid to trumpet his resume, including his undergraduate degree from the University of Florida, where—according to his LinkedIn, Legistorm, Wikipedia, law firm, and Timeshare Information Center bios—he graduated with honors, magna cum laude.

But Sabatini’s honors thesis—a 2012 treatise on the political legacy of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, titled “A Profound Logic of The Blood”—is wildly plagiarized.

The Daily Beast’s review of the paper found that Sabatini lifted an astonishing amount of content verbatim from other sources. Worse, Sabatini—who double-majored in history and philosophy before being admitted to law school, also at the University of Florida—frequently pulls his passages from Wikipedia, and presents them without the required quotation marks or any clear attribution whatsoever.

Read the full article. There’s much more. 

As I’ve mentioned here before, Sabatini is the cultiest of Florida’s Trump cultists and that is saying something. He last appeared on JMG when he called for arresting FBI agents. Sabatini also appeared on JMG last August when he headlined a convention of white nationalists. Last July, he floated a bill that would make taking children to drag shows a felony and “terminate the parental rights” of those convicted. A former state rep, last year he failed to unseat GOP Rep. Daniel Webster and he’s again vying for that seat.