The Associated Press reports:
A Michigan attorney involved in multiple efforts around the country to overturn the 2020 election in support of former President Donald Trump has been charged in connection with accessing and tampering with voting machines in Michigan, prosecutors announced Thursday.
The charges against Stefanie Lambert come days after Matthew DePerno, a Republican lawyer whom Trump endorsed in an unsuccessful run for Michigan attorney general last year, and former GOP state Rep. Daire Rendon were arraigned in connection with the case.
Lambert, DePerno, and Rendon were named by Attorney General Dana Nessel’s office last year as having “orchestrated a coordinated plan to gain access to voting tabulators.”
Read the full article.
Stefanie Lambert, who once filed an unsuccessful lawsuit alleging “massive” election fraud, is facing four criminal charges in a special prosecutor’s investigation into the handling of voting machines in Michigan.
— Craig Mauger (@CraigDMauger) August 3, 2023