Dershowitz: Trump Will Be Convicted Before Election But All His Convictions Will Be Reversed Upon Appeal

“I predict there will be some convictions. I think the strategy is to get bad convictions, but to get them fast in New York, in Florida, in Washington, and in Fulton County, then they’ll be reversed on appeal, but they’ll be reversed on appeal after the election.

“That’s why everybody’s rushing to get these cases tried. We now know that they want it tried within six months in Georgia. They want a trial in January in Washington, D.C. They want a trial in May in Florida. And New York has been willing to put it off. But they’re going to get on the bandwagon too.

“Everybody who was going after Trump, the whole ‘Get Trump’ approach is to get him before the election, convict him before the election, and he wins on appeal. All right? That’s tomorrow’s news.” – Alan Dershowitz, today on Steve Bannon’s podcast.