Southern Baptist Leader And DeSantis Pastor Cites “Execute Gays” Scripture After Cruz Criticizes Uganda

The Daily Beast reports:

Even the odious Sen. Ted Cruz expressed outrage at Uganda’s draconian new anti-LBGTQ statutes. But Cruz’s rare moment of moral truth was immediately challenged by the same pastor who delivered the invocation at Gov. Ron DeSantis’ second inauguration.

“Tell it to God, Ted,” Tom Ascol of Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, Florida, tweeted in reply. Ascol, who was a close second in a runoff election for president of the Southern Baptist Convention last year, proceeded to cite scripture.

“If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. —Leviticus 20:13.” Cruz did not reply to Ascol’s tweet, which certainly seemed to suggest that the execution of gay people had a biblical blessing.

Read the full article. Ascol last appeared on JMG in May 2022 when he called for murder charges against women who have abortions.