Owens: If You Shop At Target, “You’re A Gay Pervert”

Media Matters has the transcript:

There is nothing that Target has that you cannot get somewhere else. Okay? We cannot just be the individuals that lament and complain and try to explain that the world is all going into a horrible direction and yet we do nothing about it in our personal capacity. We cannot continue to be those individuals.

I think that my colleague, Matt Walsh, probably said it best in this tweet. He wrote, the goal is to make Pride toxic for brands. If they decide to shove this garbage in our face, they should know that they’ll pay a price.

It won’t be worth whatever they think they’ll gain. First, Bud Light, and now Target. Our campaign is making progress. Let’s keep going. And he is absolutely right. It is making progress. And it’s absolutely right that we have them scared.

As I said, we have them backed into a corner, and now is absolutely the time for us to pounce. So do not shop at Target or else you’re gay and you’re a pervert. And that’s all I have to say about that.