Australia’s Victoria State Premier Calls Out Threats By Anti-LGBTQ Haters: Take Your Ugly Behavior To Florida

“This Americanisation of our politics has no place here. My message to those people is, very clearly: if you want to behave like the worst elements of the Floridian Republican Party, get to Florida.

“Head over there, where your hateful views might be worth something. They are worth nothing here. We will not stand for this sort of ugly behavior. It is appalling, and I again make the point: it is not about free speech. This is hate speech plain and simple.

“It’s wrong. It is out of step with the values of fair-minded, decent mainstream Victorians. It is on the fringe. But enough about those people. Let us send the clearest message that equality is not negotiable.

“And despite the carrying-on and the shameful behaviour of a small few, this government and this community remain committed to every single Victorian no matter who they are or who they love.” – Victoria Premier Dan Andrews.

Andrews was responding after a local library canceled its Drag Queen Story Time due to threats of violence against “families, the performer, councilors and staff.”

Watch all of the clip. Last month Victoria’s capital of Melbourne saw uniformed Nazis throwing Hitler salutes at an anti-trans rally staged by a British extremist.