Owens Rages After Rejection By Interior Designer

Vanity Fair reports:

Owens’s husband reached out to the interior designer David Netto after the couple saw his work in one of their friends’ homes in Nashville. Farmer filled out the contact form on Netto’s website. “My husband wrote the most polite email because he’s always polite, he’s very English,” Owens told me. “We didn’t know if we could afford a designer or anything.”

Netto responded, “Dear George, thank you for your inquiry. I’d rather get beat in the ass with a wooden plank than ever go near either of you. Kind regards, David.”

Owens said the response floored her. “If a white conservative male had written that email to an outspoken Black liberal, he would’ve lost everything,” she said. “They would’ve said it was like Jim Crow.” Reached for comment, Netto pointed out that he’d only addressed Farmer, a white man like himself, and said “It’s not a race thing, it’s a terrorism/amorality thing.”

Read the full article.